Monday, March 14, 2016

Get Active! A Beginner's Guide to Fitness

How to get active today – a beginner’s guide to getting active. Every time you step on the weighing scale, you feel the need to exercise. Every time you get exhausted while playing with your dog, you realize the need to get fit. What’s stopping you? You don’t know how to start? Often it happens that we think we need to give great efforts to get fit and healthy and the idea intimidates us so much that we don’t even give it a try. Small things matter – start today and see the change. We want to assure you that when it comes to getting active, small things matter a lot. Small but daily changes can make a lot of differences to your lifestyle and overall fitness. By switching to a healthy diet and getting workouts in small doses you can prevent excessive weight gain and even some cancers and type 2 diabetes.

Beginners guide to getting active. Don’t fret over fitness; start with small things like eating right. Don’t skip your breakfast, start including fruits and salads in your diet and stay away from sodas. Take a vow to eat more natural foods. Do these things and you would feel great about yourself and motivated to remain on the right track. Start today – take up easy activities. It’s easy to become active. Start with walking 10,000 steps a day, this is enough to begin with. Doctors recommend exercising 150 minutes a week to remain fit. If you are wary of that, work out three times a week for ten to twenty minutes and work your way up. Start with stretching and light intensity exercises and once your body gets accustomed, increase the amount of time. Remember, 150 minutes per week of workouts is an excellent goal for any beginner.

Increase your daily activity level by making it fun. Every time you receive a call on your cell phone, walk around while talking. Every hour take a break and walk around your office for 5 minutes. Take the staircase instead of the elevator. Remember walking is a great form of exercise that lowers risk of heart diseases and diabetes. Take your dog out for walks daily. Walk down to your grocery shop. Water your garden in the morning. If the weather is bad, then walk around a Home Depot/Lowe's or the local mall. These small activities add up to burn calories that would help you to control your weight. Activities like walking in a natural surrounding or playing your favorite game would prevent you from experiencing depression. Take up meditation, eat right and lead a holistic life. Start with baby steps and feel the change. Fitness is not only a goal but a journey in itself. Take your first step today and see how good health and happiness embrace you.

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