Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Why I switched to a fluoride free lifestyle

It was about two years ago that I decided to begin living a fluoride free life. I had heard many things about the adverse effects of fluoride. There were even urban myths about the Nazis using it in the drinking water of the jewish ghettos and Nazi death camps to pacify the population. What I did know for certain was that when fluoride was first introduced to drinking water there were protests and outrages in 1945. Eventually, it was accepted by American Dental Association (ADA) to spin the safety of using fluoride. There are now many studies showing the dangers of fluoride exposure especially to children. Here is a link to a Harvard study covered by the Huffington Post

At first, I decided to give it a 30-day challenge to see if I noticed a difference. To my amazement, I felt less fearful and experienced greater mental clarity. Now, two years later, my teeth are as healthy as ever after switching filtered water and a non-fluoride toothpaste by Desert Essence (usually found at your local health food store and My fears are at an all time low and my mental performance has dramatically improved. I partially credit this lifestyle change to why I've been able to stay the course in regards to my personal fitness. Fear produces an illogical response to challenges. Challenges should be overcome to strengthen you as a person - mind, body, and spirit. While fear makes us short-sighted, a quitter, and ultimately depressed. So I encourage you to live your best life possible, choose to live a fluoride free life and unshackle yourself from unnecessary ailments both physical and mental. To learn more about living your best life, visit and add/follow me on Facebook at

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