Wednesday, June 8, 2016

30-Day Motivation Challenge - Day 19 RISE

Watch the video first.

It's time to Rise. It's time to claim a purpose for your life that is so powerful that it can pull you through tough days, tough months, and even tough years. There were times that were so tough in 2015 that I had to call on my deepest purpose. I had to call on my deepest motivations - for the for my family, for my future family, and for my contribution to humanity. Dig deep, why do you want to do what you do? Why do you want to be successful? 

Having a purpose that keeps us focused on the present moment so that we can build the future that we desire. Letting go of the victim mentality, and begin the day to day "doing." Freeing ourselves from average and rising to our full potential. Create within you the "I'm just getting started" mentality. No matter how many successes you have along the way, don't settle, keep going - greatness is in you!

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