Wednesday, June 8, 2016

30-Day Motivation Challenge - Day 20 You Owe You

We're two-thirds the way through the 30-Day Motivation Challenge. At this point, you may have noticed you're already thinking positively where normally you may have thought negatively. Your dreams may have even shifted from impossible to possible. Perhaps, you've even started to make changes to your daily routine. We've discussed all kinds of reasons to become successful. Here's another - You Owe You. You owe that kid that you were growing up that had the big dreams that had an "outlandish" vision for his or her future. Take that inner child by the hand and go - get to work making your dreams a reality. What's stopping you? We can come up with all kinds of excuses, believe me I know. I spent much of my life putting off plans for a better time, situation, the list goes on. It wasn't until someone challenged me to my core and said if you don't start today then you never will. All we have is today, the present moment. The future exists in our imagination and the past is history. Use the present moment to build your future like bricks in a glorious temple. Each day adds up, you'll be surprised what can be accomplished in weeks, months, and years. You Owe You! Get it done!

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