Thursday, June 16, 2016

30-Day Motivation Challenge - Day 28 Never Pity Yourself

Never pity yourself. Events have played out in your past and they cannot be changed. What can change is how we look at those events - our response to those events. Event + Response = Outcome or E + R = O. One of my favorite examples of this was a story of two merchants going into a foreign land to find trade deals. One merchant returns saying, "The people there are poor there is no opportunity for trade, they don't even have shoes." The second merchant returns saying, "There is an abundant opportunity, these people all need shoes." The event was the same but the responses were very different. The same is true for us. We can choose to look at the pains of the past as a reason why our lives are the way they are or we can choose to grow from those experiences. The only reason we can fully appreciate the good in life is because we have experienced the bad.

I used to be so obsessed with wanting to know the future. I realize now it was because I fixed mindset, a mindset of fate. I was afraid my future would look like more of my past. Now, I don't care to know the future because I create my future inside the realms of everything that I can control. Outside of what I can't control, well, that would affect me regardless - it's not worth the time worrying about. I know this, focusing on self-pity only creates more of the same while focusing on what you want out of life creates more of that. You'll create what you focus on - what you believe in and if you believe it then you will surely act on it. True belief - true faith produces action.

Life has so much to offer. Heaven and Hell do exist and they exist right here and now. Whether you believe they exist elsewhere, I'll leave that to you. As long as you understand that this life can be as amazing as you want or as terrible as you want. The decision is yours.

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