Friday, June 17, 2016

30-Day Motivation Challenge - Day 29 The Formula For Success

Twenty-nine days of motivation and the 30-day challenge is almost realized. Let's get into this rapid-fire fast. I was reading an e-book by Radu Antoniu just last night and some of the best advice I've heard in a while was in the last two chapters.

1) Keep a goal card in your pocket. Read your goal card as much as you can especially in the mornings when you wake up and in the evening before you go to sleep. Write it in the present tense as a statement made upon achieving this goal. Be specific about the date, how you feel, what exactly you've accomplished, and what you had to sacrifice to get it. There is no glory without sacrifice.

2) The sublime moment by Andrei Antoniu. This is the moment of awareness, that moment you realize that you should read your goal card. So before you forget and the moment passes, immediately go read it.

Writing your goals down on a daily basis is one of the topics of the video below. This may seem like a waste of time. On the contrary, it will help you rewire your brain for action, and will grant you the ability to see opportunities that are right in front of you. There's a story that I love about the first Native Americans to witness ships for the first time. It is said that they couldn't even see them on the horizon yet they saw disturbances in the water. It was the shaman of the tribe that observed the ripples and who eventually saw the ships and pointed them out to the rest of the tribe. Our brains have a funny way of filtering out the unusual. Thinking positively and seeing possibilities and opportunities are like those ships on the horizon. They are there, we just have to have eyes to see them and sometimes we need someone to point them out.

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