Saturday, June 18, 2016

30-Day Motivation Challenge - Day 30 Become A Lion - Self-Actualization

Becoming a lion in your life is about self-actualization. It's about being bold and courageous. Committing to having no plan "B," no other options. Whether, you have support or resistance, you're committed to your goals and dreams. You're committed to you! Doing this will make you come alive like never before. It may seem counter-intuitive. It may seem selfish. However, taking care of your needs and desires is like putting the oxygen mask on yourself before assisting those next to you. You'll have more resources, more energy, and more positivity to truly help those who need it most. Don't be distracted by those you can't help either. There will be plenty of people that are set in their ways, those who are not your target market, and those who want to oppose what you're doing. Just keep doing what you do, honing your craft, and bringing more of your light into this world. Find others that are doing the same, I call these people "the red pill takers" (in reference to The Matrix.) They will recognize you for who you are and seek to help you. They will see you as a fellow giver - a fellow lion. Givers love to help one another, in fact there are active groups of them that work together helping one another progress - networking with each other. Become a lion and join the pride.

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