Monday, May 30, 2016

30-Day Motivation Challenge - Day 10 Go All Out

Go all out! There is no Plan B. Resolve that you will push through until your Plan A is realized. This mindset requires a retraining of the mind, it seems illogical, counter-intuitive, and even reckless. However, this is the mindset to achieve anything that is beyond your comfort zone. You will feel uncomfortable, you will feel stretched, this is a natural process. If your dream is considered too big then you may say "I can't do it - I couldn't handle that." You are right! The "you" that you are today won't be able to handle or do it. The person you will become will be able to conquer it. The process of going after your dreams will strengthen you to your core. You will be challenged no doubt but with each challenge you complete another rite of passage to be presented with a new challenge. Make a decision today to pursue your passion with calculated intensity. On this Memorial Day, remember those who didn't have a plan B. Those who fought until their last breath. I've heard veterans say that they are "alive today because dead men kept fighting." In this context, we realize how petty our challenges in life really are. Now go out and be courageous, warrior!

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