Sunday, May 29, 2016

30-Day Motivation Challenge - Day 9 Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

Yesterday was about using the time that you have been given. Every person on the planet has the same twenty-four hours to work with. How we use our time is what separates one person's successes from another. Forget about that! There are always going to be people that are more or less successful than you. The only person that you should compare yourself to now is the person you were yesterday. Comparing yourself to other's isn't going to help you conquer your challenges and accomplish your dreams. That being said, humbly learn from those who have succeeded in what you want to. What do they do and say? What are their daily habits?

What keeps us from moving forward? Fear. An illusionary mindset, my favorite quote about fear comes from Will Smith in the movie "After Earth."

“Fear is not real. The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things that do not at present and may not ever exist. That is near insanity. Do not misunderstand me danger is very real but fear is a choice.”
To feel the fear and do it anyway. Is to recognize that the mind is rebelling against your Spirit - Your Soul. It is rebelling against who you truly are. To face your fear and overcome it, is to tread the path of your personal destiny. What you fear doing is another indicator of what you should be doing.  On Day 4, The Calling, we discussed using joy as a compass to discover your calling. Once you know your Calling, fear will be a compass for what you should do, what actions you should take. Facing your fear and doing it anyway is often the action that will make the greatest impact toward making your dreams a reality. In Brian Tracy's book, "Eat That Frog," He mentions doing what you don't want to do first - eating the frog - then the rest of the day is all downhill. What we fear, is that big green ugly frog. 
Some practicals to start taking action will begin with some simple questions.  Peter F Drucker's "Managing Oneself," he presents several important questions to ask yourself:

Am I a reader or a listener?

How do I learn the best?

Do I prefer a team based environment or working alone?

In the upcoming blog posts, we will discuss about how to get started on pursuing your dream. For a fast track strategy, feel free to contact me via Facebook by clicking HEREFor fitness tips, motivation to keep you on track with your goals, and to subscribe to this blog Click Here.

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