Tuesday, May 24, 2016

30-Day Motivation Challenge - Day 5 Lost Dreams

Yesterday was about discovering your calling and today you may still be wondering what your calling is. In search of answers, our minds go to our past and for many of us we have failed at our dreams or given up on them altogether. I know for me, I was trying to recall how many businesses I had failed. I thought about the opportunities that I had given up on. In hindsight, I can see why they didn't fill me with joy or they were preparing me for something greater. Instead of regret for my past, I now have gratitude. I'm actually grateful because now I'm awake. I've stopped blaming others and have taken responsibility for my life. When you take responsibility for everything in your life, it gives you power. The power to change. I challenge you to do the same, take 100% responsibility for your life.

Now you may have had a different experience than I had. Perhaps you look back to a past dream with longing, wishing that you stayed the course. It is never too late. Pick up where you left off, you still have the knowledge of those experiences and now you have a bit more wisdom.

Some of you may have even had a dream that was so big, so huge, that it was overwhelming. You feel this limitless potential within you but you've been waiting for something. A moment in time, a lover to come into your life or a benefactor who believes in you and your dream. Stop waiting for when you're ready, the truth is this idea of ready is an illusion, we're never truly ready. We are an adaptive species, you will figure it out as you go. Commit first, then figure it out along the way. As for waiting for a lover to share your dream with or a benefactor to help you realize your dream. Those characters will appear in your story at their given times. Firstly, begin doing what you love and everything else will begin to fall into place as you acquire more knowledge and take continuous action. Remember the saying "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." The same is true for anything massive and great. The pyramids weren't built overnight. Build your dream one stone at a time, one stone each day until you gain exponential momentum.

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