Friday, May 27, 2016

30-Day Motivation Challenge - Day 7 Transform Yourself

We live in a very exciting time, The Age of Information. Education is available to anyone with access to the internet. From universities like MIT to YouTube, people are continuing their education online - for free. In fact, there is so much information available that it can be overwhelming. Now the most valuable information for anyone isn't the information that they're aware of - the information that is on their "to-do list," but the information that they're not aware even exists.

For example, for the vast majority of the twentieth century, it was believed that the brain ceased to develop after adolescence. Now there is a myriad of studies proving otherwise. One of my favorites was a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Where they examined the brains of London taxi drivers. They found that the hippocampi - the brain structure tasked with spatial memory - was larger than average. Apparently the maze-like road system of London streets was an adequate enough stimulus to cause this growth. This process is called Neuroplasticity and your brain is constantly restructuring in response to consistent stimulus. Knowing this gives us an incredible potential for personal growth.

What have you been feeding your brain? What stimulus have we been giving it? For most people the answer is scraps of useless information and TV programming. It's called programming for a reason. Notice how watching the news makes you feel inside. If you experience that over an extended period of time then your brain will adapt to make that more efficient - more fear, sadness, and depression.

How do you program yourself for success? Listen to successful people that care about helping others. I once spent a month listening to Les Brown every morning. It changed the way I thought. At first, I was just hearing the words, then I started to listen. Get positive and motivational information into your brain. It may not like it at first, you might have judgments about the messenger, but little by little you'll start to get it. Then you open endless possibilities for yourself. You will begin to use less of the fight or flight amygdala to make decisions and begin using the frontal cortex of limitless possibilities and solution finding. Make a decision today to bring in the positive and shut out the negative stimulus in your life.

Enjoy the video below, the speakers are: Les Brown, Earl Nightingale, and Tony Robbins.

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