Friday, May 27, 2016

30-Day Motivation Challenge - Day 8 Your Time Left

Check out the video below before reading the blog post. Enjoy!

We are nearly halfway through the year now. Forget New Year's Resolutions! Forget goals that were made to be broken! Now is the time to change, now is the time to start taking action. Some of you know exactly what I'm talking about, there is something that you have been putting off. Something that your heart and soul has been urging you to do but excuses, distractions and the endless sources of entertainment have postponed it. This world needs you now more than ever to do what you were put here to do. To do what makes you come alive, to do what fills you with purpose. I'm not proposing to take action beyond your means but there is an action that you can take each day to further make your dream become a reality. It would be better to take baby steps each day than no steps at all. Eventually, you will gain enough momentum to take leaps and bounds for your dreams.

Let's say your passion is painting yet you don't paint every day or as much as your finances allow. Why not? So, you're good enough to be a famous professional? Ditch the "good enough" attitude, the world is tired of "good enough." The world wants phenomenal, the world wants a prodigy, the world wants greatness! You have greatness in you! Enjoy the road to greatness. You will be loved and even hated along the way. Love those of love you and ignore those who don't - they're not your target audience anyway.

Make a decision today to pursue your dreams and passions in life. Setting aside time each day to increase your skills and knowledge in your field of interest. Feel free to contact me on Facebook if you would like help in discovering your purpose or if you know your purpose but you're in need of a plan of action.

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